First day of school!

Woke up at 5.15,thanks to my mum who woke me up,if not i would have been late.
Nearly dint go school,my head was killing me =x
So reached school,and saw everyone flooding parade square and canteen.
Then saw adriel's hair,SO LONG!
According to the guys,sec one got no chiobus one.
Each batch getting worse -.-
After morning assembly,the hair check started.
The guys was like "MS LIM,LOOK AT ADRIEL'S HAIR!"
They nearly sabo-ed me bcos of my abit long fringe n long sideburn.
Ms lim was kind(or blind),she let me off =)
After that,a boring talk from mr ang+ms foo,which lasts like the whole day.
Then went to classroom awhile,and we got dismissed.

After school,me,phy,lsm,huiying,veronica,and 2 more ppl i duno wads their name went to watch night at the museum at cwp.
Nearly slept at the cinema,damn boring.
Went to eat at burger king after movie,then went home. blogskin still looks as sucky as ever..
Editor is lazing around..tut tut >_>


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